The Scribbleverse is a collection of worlds created by Donald Ross, also known as "Scribe." With a deep passion for visual storytelling, Scribe expresses his creativity through walls, gallery pieces, books, and more. A significant focus of his work is creating art for kids in healthcare settings, alongside painting large-scale exterior murals across the country. While much of his work has a playful, comedic vibe, he also delves into more conceptual pieces in galleries, bridging the gap between generations. Scribe is also an author, expanding his diverse worlds with publications for readers of all ages.

Partners and Organizations

Samsung - Andrews & McMeel - The Kansas City Royals - SprayKC - KC Port Authority - Foxx Equipment - Boulevard Beer - KidRobot - Cardboard Spaceship - Heineken - Outlander Entertainment - KC Sporting - Children’s Mercy Hospital The Children’s Hospital at Saint Francis, Tulsa - Greenwood Cultural Center - Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired -UVD Toys - Martian Toys - Super Plastic - VML - Prairie Fire - Denver Basic Income Project - Stockyards Beer-Kansas City Magazine - Shatto Milk

and many more

Works featured and shown on

CNN - ABC News - CBS News - Nation Geographic - Missouri Life Magazine - The Kansas City Star -

Fox News - Made In KC - Creative Mornings KC - Gallery America

Museum of Graffiti - KC Parent Magazine

Scribble Magazine - Ingrams Magazine - NPR - PBS -

and many more